Yes, now both sites are working! Thank you very much for your help, Graham!

For those who will have similar situation as mine here is additional info. 

After I've corrected .conf file as Graham had advised me, I ran into 
another problem: site1 works correctly, site2 loads without static files, 
although I have ones.

In order to fix this problem we need to change a bit .conf file again:

 WSGIRestrictEmbedded On

    <VirtualHost *:80>

        WSGIDaemonProcess site1 python-path=/home/user/site1 
        WSGIScriptAlias /site1 /home/user/site1/site1/ 
process-group=site1 application-group=%{GLOBAL}

          Alias site1/static /home/user/site1/static

        <Directory /home/user/site1/static>
              Require all granted

<Directory /home/user/site1/site1>

                    Require all granted

        WSGIDaemonProcess site2 python-path=/home/user/site2 
        WSGIScriptAlias /site2 /home/user/site2/site2/ 
process-group=site2 application-group=%{GLOBAL}

          Alias site2/static /home/user/site2/static

        <Directory /home/user/site2/static>
              Require all granted

         <Directory /home/user/site2/site2>
                    Require all granted


Then we need to access site1/site1/ and change the value of 
STATIC_URL to '/site1/static/'.
In site2/site2/ we change the value of STATIC_URL to 
'/site2/static/' respectively.

After these corrections both sites will be working correctly!

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