On Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 12:39:35 AM UTC+2, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> If you are using daemon mode, at global scope in the Apache configuration 
> set:
>     WSGIRestrictEmbedded On
Hi Graham,

I'll try that. First let me say thank you very much for your patience. I 
must admit that after reading your answers I looked into the mod_wsgi docs 
and found the same information there. However, I still don't think I 
could've found it without your help because, as excellent as the mod_wsgi 
docs are, the whole Apache / Python interaction seems to be a complex one. 
I consider myself to be a decent Python programmer, but if you (like me) 
don't have much experience with multi-process / multi-threaded applications 
or if you (like me) don't know the difference between an interpreter and a 
sub-interpreter much of it is white noise.

Regards! ++D

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