--On Monday, January 12, 2004 12:09 PM -0800 Gary Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm doing some more research into this. A ran --d:Profile for perl and
found that 96% of the time is spent in Sys::Syslog::_syslog_send_socket.
Is this normal?

Sounds like your syslog server may be having problems. But then I've never run Mon in the Profiler, so I don't know if thats really abnormal.

Try disabling syslog's from Mon and see if that helps.

The other situation in which I've seen Mon have problems like yours is when an alert script is hanging. But I don't have that problem any more, because I've long since patched my copy of Mon to handle fork alerts cleanly, and clean them up during the normal child processing code.

-David Nolan Network Software Developer Computing Services Carnegie Mellon University

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