On Sun, 26 Aug 2007, Augie Schwer wrote:

> Ooops. Duh. I wasn't on the mon@ list until recently; it doesn't show
> up on the SF.net page:
> http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=170

shoot. i used to have a script which would push out any releases or web page
changes to the various places automatically, but since we have the wiki
i didn't bother with it. i guess i'll need to do some housecleaning and
make everything refer to the wiki for information so i don't need to
maintain stuff in a million places. the wiki i like alot, and it makes
it much easier to allow others to participate.

to anyone who spends time editing wikis, i recommend these firefox/mozilla
extensions, which allow you to edit the TEXTAREA in your editor of choice,
and when you save it's automatically updated in the form:




the inherent editing features most browsers supply are crippling, if anyone's

a historical tidbit: the reason why mon has a sourceforge entry in the first
place is because before sf.net even went public, they "seeded" it with various
projects, and mon was part of the first sowing. it wasn't even my idea :)

> Any chance the freshmeat page will get updated to reflect the new release:
> http://freshmeat.net/projects/mon/

ah, good catch. i'll update that and make it refer to the right place.

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