Hi all,
I bumped into this problem:

My configuration consists of a master mon server which receives traps from
different mon slaves.
Extract from my conf:

watch uci
    service cpu
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
            alert mail.alert {my email address}
            upalert mail.alert {my email address}
            alertevery 1h

Every time a failure trap is sent from one of my slaves the mon master
correctly sends an email alert and I can detect that a new defunct process
appeared with:

$ ps aux | grep mon
13637 ? Z 0:00 [mon] <defunct>
13659 ? Z 0:00 [mon] <defunct>
13697 ? Z 0:00 [mon] <defunct>

This is kind of annoying as I'm forced to restart the mon master server
periodically given that we can send hundreds of traps per-day.

By digging into commit history I found this:
...so I picked up latest development version from
https://mon.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Development and replaced the main mon
executable but that didn't fix the problem.

I noticed latest stable version goes back to year 2007.
Are there plans to release a new version including this specific bug fix?

Thanks in advance,

Giampaolo Rodolà
mon mailing list

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