> In the case of 531630, the assembly can be overwritten, and broking
> the DLL/EXE, not the pdb. If VS can load the assembly but fails to
> read the pdb then it's a different issue.

In 531630 VS successfully loads both assembly and PDB file.
The assembly works fine, but PDB is almost empty.
This thread author's case is identical as far as I've understood.

> This one will be fixed in the release due next monday.

That would be great!

> I don't really see how that's related to Cecil if the pdb doesn't
> expose the variables and that even ildasm doesn't show them.

Original PDB produced by compiler exposes all variables - debugger uses them
perfectly, ildasm can see them.
But it seems that loading+saving of that PDB looses such variables, ildasm
still sees them, but debugger - is not.
Probably some metainfo or something else is lost during the process - that
is not vital for all other debugging features, but breakes debugger in very
specific cases...

> --
> Jb Evain  <j...@nurv.fr>
> --
> --
> mono-cecil
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