
> You couldn't. I managed to find a document confirming that these
> interfaces were indeed introduced in .NET 1.1 SP1 :
> http://www.usysware.com/blog/?p=21
> Microsoft's own documentation on MSDN2 says that these first appear in
> NET 2.0, but I think they're just hiding that there isn't backwards
> API compatibility between .NET 1.1 SP1 and .NET SP1 Gold.

The guy is describing what he found on his GAC, but the compiler does
not link against the GAC.  The compiler links against the code in the
directory where "csc" lives.   

The mscorlib in the csc directory is dated 2003, while the mscorlib
directory in the GAC had today's date.

So the exposed API to developer is one which guarantee that it will work
on old (pre-SP1) systems.   

The difference in API is probably a trick used so that the masses keep
targeting 1.1 by default, but some special customers or people who need
extra features get the new API calls and fixes at their own risk. 

So at this point, am not sure what to do.

We should do a CorCompare run between 1.1 and 1.1 SP1 and examine the
extent of the damage and based on that make a decision about what we are
going to do.

I do not particularly feel excited about building 1.1 and 1.1SP1

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