> From: mono-devel-list-boun...@lists.ximian.com [mailto:mono-devel-list-
> boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Martin Thwaites
> Just to give my2cents on this.
> I would just like to know that things will get looked at approved at some
> point. 

Getting reviewed is one thing.  (Difficult enough.)  Getting approved is a 
completely different thing - even more perilous.

Here's my example:

Mono SslStream, when used as a server, is simply incompatible with mono 
SslStream when used as a client.  Mono clients can talk to windows servers, and 
windows servers can talk to mono clients, and windows clients can talk to 
windows servers.  The only incompatibility is Mono server & Mono client.

There was a bug report.  It was marked as fixed, and closed, even though it 
wasn't fixed (obviously nobody tested, or didn't care that the test failed or 
something).  I dug into it, patched it, submitted pull request, and we are now 
shipping product that requires customers to install our customized version of 
mono.  We are paying Xamarin customers.  For months, I tried to get attention 
amongst mono developers to review the pull request, and then - 

After I finally made enough noise, what happened was this:  Patch was reviewed 
and rejected.  Period.  No discussion, no attempt to create a new fix, no 
nothing.  It was the effective equivalent of telling me to shut up and go away. 
 (That happened like 3 weeks ago or so).

I am obviously left feeling extremely jaded.  I know for damn sure I'm not 
going to bother submitting any patches any time soon, and I have to restrain 
myself every time I hear other people on this list thinking they're going to 
submit patches or help improve mono.  Cuz I don't want to be the guy who just 
bitches and complains all the time.  I remain hopeful this can change someday, 
but I'm pretty badly burned at the moment.
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