Bruno Hertz wrote:
> Who ever called 'ls' with a directory name as param might think
> different. Shell expansion is non recursive either. Actually, most
> commands work non recursive without explicit request. Take rm -rf as
> another example.

conversely, cvs diff dir etc. do act recursively, iirc, and can be told
to not recurse with -l, which is where I pulled the idea for --local from.

> If you want directory restrictions to act recursively per default,
> please do so, I for one don't really care. But providing the means to
> limit the level of recursiveness would still make an awful lot of
> sense.
> Apart from that, if 'commit .' committed the files in pwd only I
> really can't say I'd be that surprised.

certainly, given the same args and possibly --local option, commit,
status, diff, revert should all act on the same things!


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