On 11/07/2007, at 9:59 PM, Zack Weinberg wrote:

On 7/11/07, William Uther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   What's happening with the net.venge.monotone.workspace-merge*
branches?  Do any work?  Which are up-to-date?

All those branches are either thoroughly dead or merged to mainline already :-)

Okie. So when I merge my suspend changes next week, I'll suspend them :).

No work has been done since the summit.  The present state of play is,
you can do 'mtn merge_into_workspace <revision>' which will merge
<revision> with the current workspace's parent (I forget what happens
if there are local changes; I think it errors out) and dump the result
into the workspace.  You can mess with that as you like and commit it
once you're happy.

Okie - This also needs to be added to the docs.

However, conflict resolution is just like 'mtn merge' -- if there are
file-content conflicts, you have to resolve them immediately, and if
there are name conflicts it errors out.

Ahh.  Ok.

What is still required to make it possible to merge in a workspace?

I'm hoping to work on this some this summer, but I'd be very glad of
help.  The next step is to write code that can take an arbitrary
conflicted roster_merge_result (see roster_merge.cc) and serialize it
into _MTN/conflicts (or some such file);

Hrm. For a first pass, I'd only allow is_clean_except_for_content() stuff to be left in the workspace. If there are file-name conflicts then you must resolve them at merge time. Actually, I'm not really sure there is another
good way to do this as you need to represent things in the file system.

That restriction means you only need to handle file_content_conflicts.
My next thought is...  can we actually leave the conflict marker in the
roster instead of a new file in the options/ directory?
(Quick terminology check: roster == list of files in a revision. Right? I don't think I should be using the term manifest or "revision from revision.hh" here.)

I'd refuse to check in any revisions with a conflict in their roster.

If you have a conflicted file in a roster, it is marked as conflicted in the status output. You get four copies of the file in your workspace: ancestor, left, right, and
merged-with-conflict-markers (respectively: myfile.ancestor.<rev>,
myfile.<revL>, myfile.<revR> and myfile). Once you've fixed the conflict, you run "mtn resolved" on the file. It then has its conflict status in the roster resolved
and the three extra files in the workspace are removed.

Once there are no conflicted files you could commit the new revision.

In future we could get more adventurous and allow the merge command to commit revisions with conflicts in their rosters (although I'd keep the restriction that users cannot commit conflicted files). That change would allow the use of
deterministic mark-merge :).

If there are only file content conflicts then those revisions can be checked out. The result would be the same as above. Revisions with more than file_content conflicts
could not be checked out.

I suspect you'd want some efficient way of determining the conflict state of a revision: general conflicts, file-content conflicts only, and conflict free. You'd probably want
a way of ignoring revisions with conflicts in 'mtn update' for example.

OOooo - If you allow conflicted revisions in the repository like this, then there no reason for a multi-parent workspace any more. You merge, put the merged rev in the repository, then you check it out and fix the conflicts. The repository starts to look very like the revision graph in the deterministic mark merge write-up.

Sigh. Monotone still wouldn't have fully associative and commutative merges though. Even though deterministic mark merge has those properties, the way monotone chains history would break them.

also to fix up the conflicted
roster to be "sane" (per check_sane()) and make all the conflicted
files visible in the workspace.  Then we'll have to go fix all the UI
that doesn't know how to deal with a workspace in that state, and
write a new resolution UI.

I'm not 100% sure what a 'sane' revision is. Is that equivalent to saying it only has
file content conflicts?  If so, then that makes perfect sense.

The UI would be as above (which is basically the subversion UI, which I think works pretty well). The only difference being that subversion is able to use revision IDs in the filenames and it is clear which is the ancestor. We'd need to be explicit there.

Note that I haven't proposed a UI for non-file-content conflicts. There are two options there: i) the merge fails (albeit with better messages than currently), or ii) the merge succeeds and has a conflict marked in its roster. In case i) you have to fix it by checking out one of the parent revisions and moving files so there will be no conflict. In case ii) you do the same thing, but deterministic mark-merge allows you to do the merge first, then make the revision fixing things based
on one of the parents and merge it in afterwards.

In neither case is there ever a working copy with a non-file-content conflict.

I think I prefer option i) - fail early and make the user fix it (albeit with helpful
error messages).

There are also a few commands that haven't been fixed up for a
two-parent, no-conflict workspace; I don't remember which ones, but
they should be listed on the wiki.

I assume you're referring to this list:

diff is interesting. The right way is probably to diff against the base merge.
revert similarly.
update semantics don't seem too hard if there is no diff on a conflicted
file. If there is a diff on a conflicted file, then you fail and they have to
commit or revert.

I think I'd solve this by not having multi-parent workspaces, but by allowing conflicts in the repository. :)

Anyway, is there a good place to look for docs on rosters (assuming my terminology is right)? In particular, where and how are "insane" rosters marked? Could I just commit one of these? Can I get a list of conflicts (as per roster_merge.hh) from an "insane" roster?


Will         :-}

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