Stephen Leake schrieb:
> Derek Scherger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I vaguely recall some mention of a restricted inventory case where only
>> one side of a rename was listed in the inventory. Is there a test for
>> this? 
> Yes; see tests/automate_inventory_restricted/__driver__.lua, search
> for the comment:
> -- Rename a file from dir_a to dir_b, bookkeep-only; inventory dir_a
>> Is it still a problem?
> It reports the correct results.

Well, now that the full paths are outputted and the node states are
correct, its not that big of a problem anymore. IIRC the problem was
that we depended on the node_ids previously to distinguish between "is
an add", "is a drop", and "is a rename". We still do not output the
complete node stanza for the other (renamed) node (should we?), but I
guess this is more reasonable anyways for implementations than
spuriously putting out nodes which reside outside the original
restriction (which would be hard to parse).

>> BTW, has anyone looked at this branch? I think it's an improvement
>> and fixes a couple of invariant failures. Please see my earlier
>> emails for details.
> I just looked thru the log and the code. I gather the main point is
> the function make_restricted_roster. There are no comments saying what
> it does or why it is there (vis-a-vis Richard's recent complaint :).

I personally find it a bit hard to understand whats going on there, but
this may perfectly be my stupidity. I'll have a closer look tonight.


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