On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 11:21:11 +0200
>>>>>> "Patrick" == Patrick Georgi <patr...@georgi-clan.de> wrote:

Patrick> I used to work on mtn-fast-import, which interprets the
Patrick> git-fast-import format and creates a monotone repository from
Patrick> it. I didn't work on export due to lack of need, and dropped
Patrick> work on it in favor of hg2mtn, which directly uses hg metadata
Patrick> (which is less lossy than hg->git->mtn) which was my primary
Patrick> concern.

Hmm, based on my experience, hg's fast-import/export was the weakest
from {bzr,darcs,hg,git} and considering that I do not track much of hg

Still, nice to hear there is some work on the filed of
interoperability with other VCS-s...Monotone is approaching 1.0 and
would be nice to be ready for monotone-world-dominion. ;)

Patrick> I put up the code at https://code.georgi-clan.de/p/hg2mtn/ but
Patrick> didn't test/use it in a long time. Feel free to try it, and to
Patrick> report issues. I'm also on IRC (irc.oftc.net, #monotone), but
Patrick> I might be a bit slow to react for the next two weeks.

OK. I'm 'gour' there.



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: F96FF5F6

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