Hey Gour,

I would just like to put my viewpoint here as well. I run a fairly small
installation here, with only about 20 branches, and only maybe five of
those in active use. Some of them have high binary content, but the rest
are all text. I'm self-hosted. My comments to your concerns are below.

On Sun, 27 Jun 2010, Gour wrote:

On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 07:47:07 -0400
"Stephen" == <stephen_le...@stephe-leake.org> wrote:

Stephen> One issue is the version number; 0.48 sounds "experimental".
Stephen> There will be a 1.0 soon.

Yeah, I've seen...around fall?

Just to be clear, the point here, in my view is not that monotone will
reach 1.0, but that Monotone is just changing versioning schemes. I've
been wonderfully impressed with Monotone's stability, and I can say that
I have had great luck in that respect, except for one bug that caused
some synching issues which were fixed very quickly.

Stephen> > c) considering b) it seems practical to think about using
Stephen> > one's own hosting for the project, I'm curious about memory
Stephen> > requirements on the server (for medium-sized project)?
Stephen> Obviously, it needs a medium-sized memory :). mtn uses sqlite
Stephen> for the backend database; that reads the entire database into
Stephen> memory.

Hmm...this needs some further investigation to discern how many MBs we
are talking here...

In the setup, which I mentioned above, I don't have a lot of concurrent
users, but I run the server reliably an right now it is using about 16mb
of memory. My database is only about 100MB - 200MB right now. That gives
you an idea of what a small installation looks like.

Stephen> > d) similar to Fossil, monotone is a bit isolated in its own
Stephen> > universe due to the lack of interoperability tools.
Stephen> Can you be more specific? Which tools in particular are not
Stephen> there?

X-import for importing from X DVCS and (possibly) doing 2-way sync.

By this I assume that "X" is a variable over the possible DVCS systems
out there?

Moreover, there is only single public hosting for mtn repos which
means that one has to arrange one's own setup for hosting the code,
bug tracker etc.

I can report on this. I run a Slackware64 box on ServerPronto's networks
and with their machines. It was very easy to configure and setup
monotone. I also installed Trac, which was very easy as well. I haven't
installed ViewMTN, but I will probably do this some time.

In my opinion the lack of many shared hosting options for doing Monotone
shouldn't scare you away, if you have the basic knowledge of how to run
a server.

  Aaron W. Hsu

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