Sorry if this has been mentioned before. I used to run mtn on a SPARC server at work. The database was 1.5GB ~50000 revisions ~3000 branches and ~10000 tags. It was very easy to set up and maintain. It pretty much ran itself. The server had 4GB of memory and it never got close to using that (maybe ~1GB during a big sync). No issues really. Sync performance could be slow but that is related to the number of branch tags you sync against and not the number of revisions. I used to keep up to date on the release branch and that would check and sync ~45000 revisions in 15 or so seconds (on SPARC hardware so not high performance). It has proved to be totally reliable and other areas are looking into possibly using it. It has got a very clean cli and most tools are available cross platform (and we have used these as well).

Incidentally they are still happily using monotone, but I have moved jobs and hence the past tense above! :-)


Gour wrote:
On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 14:57:25 +0200
"Thomas" == Thomas Keller <> wrote:

Thomas> Have you ever tried ikiwiki? This is a nice and very expandable
Thomas> (plugins) wiki engine which comes with support for different
Thomas> SCMs, amongst them monotone.
Nope, but weas reading about it...

Thomas> Basically texinfo, what Stephen said, with lots of custom
Thomas> hacked CSS from me to make it pretty :)

Heh, it really does not look like common texinfo stuff. :-)

Thomas> Well, I can't exactly say if monotone is the right tool for you
Thomas> - as others said it works good for medium-size projects, but
Thomas> can be slow for particular use cases, like very big trees (tens
Thomas> of thousands of files) and many, many concurrent users.
We won't most probably have such a project.

Thomas> But we're actually still want you to test it out if it works,
Thomas> because you have a very good and easy exit strategy with our
Thomas> fast export to git, which is understood by other SCMs as well.


I'm more interesting for enter stategy. ;)

Thomas> We discussed that here over and over and basically it was some
Thomas> kind of generation change, the original developer(s) left the
Thomas> project, probably also a bit overrun by the tremendous success
Thomas> of git, and a few people who kept loving this SCM kept around
Thomas> and tried to start anew. The community is small and the amount
Thomas> of active developers is even smaller, but thats the classic
Thomas> vicious circle, not many users will not lead to many patche -
Thomas> still, we fight and continue to fight on all fronts as time
Thomas> permits.

How many devs are actively working on mtn?

It seems people should become burnt with Git before looking for

Thomas> I guess in the (near) future indefero (
Thomas> will also offer monotone hosting. I'm currently just waiting
Thomas> for my patch [0] to get included in their trunk, which should
Thomas> happen within the next couple of days.

Great news!

Thomas> I have a monotone server running on a small-sized VPS with only
Thomas> 200MB fixed RAM and the ability to boost that to 600MB, and I
Thomas> have many other memory hogs on this system as well
Thomas> (spamassassin f.e.). The server works quite well and fast -
Thomas> though it only serves a couple of smaller branches, one of them
Thomas> being guitone.

Not bad. Maybe I should try to install some repo on my WF account and
check it out.

Still, indefero option sounds great. ;)

Thomas> I'm the author of guitone and I'd say the recent versions
Thomas> should be very well capable of replacing the CLI indeed (after
Thomas> all guitone is targeted at exactly your envisioned user group).


Thomas> I'd love to get some earlier feedback
Thomas> from you on guitone though, so I'd be happy if you try it out
Thomas> before it hits 1.0 :)

I created package for Archlinux and installed. Now I need to learn
more about mtn and then I'll put guitone to some more serious testing
providing you with (hopefully) some valauble feedback.

Thanks a lot for your input.



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