On Thu, Apr 07, 2016 at 11:49:15PM +0200, Markus Wanner wrote:
> On 04/07/2016 11:37 PM, Stephen Leake wrote:
> > There's a version number in the internal format, so we don't need a flag
> > day (or maybe that was on a branch; anyway, we can add one). We do need
> > to maintain both formats for compatibility with old databases.
> There's a version identifier for things like certs, revs, etc.., yes.
> However, in any case, there's a point in time where monotone stops using
> the old format and starts to use the new one. We can soften the
> migration by prolonging the time between the first release that supports
> a feature until we activate it. (Not that past flag days had a pretty
> narrow window...)

Or perhaps we could use a new-style certificate to certify that each 
old-style certificate is valid.  This might even be secure if the 
ew-style certificates are issued before the old-style ones are 
vulnerable to attack.

-- hendrik

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