I committed two revisions on the main branch of development that should
have been made on a new branch. (just to be awkward, some of those 
edits should have been made on the main branch and others not.  Each 
revision is a mixed bag)

How can I recover?

Isn't there some way to remove recent commits as long as they haven't
sync'd to any other data base?

Because I checked the copy of the data base on the server, and they don't
seem to have gotten there yet.

So maybe I can check out the recent committed revisions (elsewhere, as 
backups), revert those commits, and then hand-edit the changes back 
that should have been on the main branch, subsequently start a new 
branch, and then and edit the new-branch changes back onto the new 

Does this sound practical?  Anyone have a better idea?  Or an obvious 

My alternative would seem to be more drastic: delete the local database 
altogether, copy an old version of it from the server, and try to 
recover from there.

-- hendrik

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