Le 2019-08-04 23:45, Hendrik Boom a écrit :
I committed two revisions on the main branch of development that should
have been made on a new branch. (just to be awkward, some of those
edits should have been made on the main branch and others not.  Each
revision is a mixed bag)

How can I recover?

Isn't there some way to remove recent commits as long as they haven't
sync'd to any other data base?

Because I checked the copy of the data base on the server, and they don't
seem to have gotten there yet.

So maybe I can check out the recent committed revisions (elsewhere, as
backups), revert those commits, and then hand-edit the changes back
that should have been on the main branch, subsequently start a new
branch, and then and edit the new-branch changes back onto the new

Does this sound practical?  Anyone have a better idea?  Or an obvious

My alternative would seem to be more drastic: delete the local database
altogether, copy an old version of it from the server, and try to
recover from there.

I would use SQL commands to delete the branch certs on the two offending
revisions. This would prevent them from being synced to other databases.
Of course, prior to doing that, revert any working trees to an ancestor

Ludovic Brenta.

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