----- Original Message ----
> From: Chris Prather <ch...@prather.org>
> To: Shlomi Fish <shlo...@iglu.org.il>
> Cc: moose@perl.org
> Sent: Sun, April 11, 2010 11:45:33 AM
> Subject: Re: Proposal: "Moose, the *modern* [not "post-modern"] Perl 5 Object 
>  System"
> On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Shlomi Fish <
> ymailto="mailto:shlo...@iglu.org.il"; 
> href="mailto:shlo...@iglu.org.il";>shlo...@iglu.org.il> wrote:
> Hi 
> all,
> I hope I'm not going to start a flamewar or appear as too 
> domineering (which I
> know has been an ongoing problem with me) but I'd 
> like to make the proposal in
> the subject:
> {{{
> Let's start referring to Moose as "the modern Perl 5 Object System" instead 
> of
> "the post-modern Perl 5 Object System".
> }}}
> The reason is that "post-modern" tends to have very bad connotations in 
> art
> and philosophy, outside the narrow context of Larry Wall's 
> presentation "Perl,
> the first post-modern language", which even many 
> Perl programmers are not
> familiar with, and may give people who are 
> first introduced to the topic the
> wrong idea.

> needed]

When I was in University, admittedly a few years ago now, 
> Post
Modernism and one of it's tools Deconstructionism was very much 
> the
rage. In the years since I have left university I haven't seen 
> these
bad connotations. Do you have references?

As someone with an undergraduate degree in literature and philosophy I tend to 
agree.  However "post modern' has a pretty nebulous definition.  For example 
deconstructionism, which tends to fall under the PM umbrella, does provoke 
strong reactions amongst many philosophers (including myself).  However 
deconstructionism != post modernism.

I think the core concepts of post modernism tend to include ideas like mixing 
over pure, inversion of hierarchies, etc and for that I think it works for 
Moose.  At this point the  catchphrase 'postmodern OO' is well established even 
if misunderstood.

I think 'Post' is also good because it implies we are moving beyond something, 
presumably a lot of the cruft which lead Perl to have such a terrible imagine.  
For me I can't see changing this is going to help us, although I appreciate 
your thinking through the social perception issue. Certainly I believe this is 
something the Perl community does need to pay attention to


>On the other hand 
> saying that Moose is a *modern* Object System
> will normally immediately 
> give people the right idea.
> I know that it's cute to call Moose 
> the "post-modern OOP system" but it may
> either make people wonder what 
> the hell we mean, or may even give the wrong
> impression, so I suggest we 
> drop it.

One of the few popular posts in my blog explained this in 
> detail. I
refer you to 
> http://chris.prather.org/why-moose-is-post-modern.md.html.
Do you have 
> evidence that it *is* making people wonder what the hell
we mean?

> I don't mind working on the patch to the site and to 
> href="http://Moose.pm";>Moose.pm to change all
> "post-modern"'s to 
> "modern"'s, but I'd like to know it would be accepted
> first.

> for one like the Post-Modern epithet. Trying to suggest a package
named Moose 
> will somehow seem more serious by changing "post modern"
to "modern" is I 
> think ridiculous. In four years I have only felt the
need to defend the "Post 
> Modern" description once (last April), and
that was because the people 
> questioning Moose had (what I felt was) a
misunderstanding of the concept of 
> Post Modernity[1].

Ultimately if people are objecting to Moose because it 
> claims to be
Post Modern, they have deeper issues, and probably need to 
> seek
professional help.


[1] I honestly shouldn't have 
> bothered, but someone was *wrong* on the internet.


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