My two faves...neither of which I can bear to part with...are my one
sheets from THE INVISIBLE GHOST, with Bela Lugosi, and my one sheet from
the 1925 version of SHE. Both are gorgeous images, and I think the
Lugosi poster is his best poster by far. The dysfunctional old boogieman
certainly never looked more menacing  The SHE poster is just stunning,
and it's one of those images where you just /know/ that something
really, really heavy is going on between these two people. (There's a
picture of the poster in GRAVEN IMAGES.) Both pieces hang in my living
room, where I get to look at them on a daily basis.And no matter how
hard up I get for money to buy something else, these guys never even
get close to the auction block  Too much emotional attachment.....
    And speaking of emotional attachment....the very first poster I
bought was MACABRE. I purchased it (for 75 cents) from Theater Poster
Exchange in 1963 when I was 13, and sold it, along with the rest of my
collection,  when I was hard up for cash in the mid-Eighties. I later
replaced it with an insert...which I actually like better, same image,
cooler colors....when I started collecting again in the late Nineties.
It ain't leaving my house either.
Greg Douglass

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