Hmm, I've used JustSnipe for quite some time now, and
the only time I've ever had problems was when the
problems were at my end (ebay account, etc). I sure as
hell can't imagine PAYING to use a sniping service!

I'd snipe manually, but that just isn't worth it on
dial up with bad phone lines, everyone else has
braodband and there's no way I can compete with that.

I've only just "discovered" the watch list. I use it
for the things I have no interest in bidding on. I
bookmark anything I AM interested in.


--- Cindy Nemeth-Johannes

> Good article, J.R.
> I'm a bit embarrassed, though.
> I do it to keep from getting carried away with
> auction fever.  I only do it
> with something I really want, about three times a
> year.  And often, I've
> found, since I use JustSnipe's freebies, that I'm
> disappointed when it
> doesn't actually manage to get the bid placed.
> Cindy.

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