I am only writing one email on this subject and I feel I have a right as I am being flamed and blamed by you for something I did not start nor end. 
There is no rule on MoPo for emails off of MoPo.  There cannot be such a rule  because it is not on MoPo.  Your theory is so wrong it is laughable.  Scott Burns cannot make rules outside of MoPo.  Emails that occur between parties outside of MoPo are private and have nothing to do with MoPo.  Are you going to tell the group that I cannot discuss a MoPo subject on my telephone, at a poster show, at an auction or anywhere else?  Your reasoning reeks of total nonsense and I am being polite with my words.  Don't they discuss MoPo on other discussion groups?  Can Scott Burns dictate to them about not discussing a MoPo topic?  The bottom line is--------on MoPo, Scott Burns rules because it is his.  He cannot dictate rules outside of MoPo regardless of where the situation originated.  You are repeating the words of a person who rationalizes everything towards meeting her goals. 
You began by saying I started it.  Are you crazy?  Do you read all the emails in sequence or just pick and choose the ones you like?  Or do you read at random?  Let me refresh or explain the sequence to you.
1.  JR and I were discussing rixposterz listings.
2.  Phil made a comment refuting JR's and my comments and then ended his email with an insult to me.
3.  I answered his insult on MoPo
(Up to now all words were on topic except the insult)
4.  Jeannie now entered with an insulting remark directed at me
5.   Since I did not want to get involved in a war on MoPo and since she has tried to get me to engage in such a situation before, I replied privately.  I did not air it publicly and I have every right to do this.  If I did anything wrong then it is her right to take action privately.  She did not have a right to make a private email public and Scott Burns said so.  (Just to let you know, she tried to get me into a debate on another talk group and I told her that I do not have the time like she does.  She emailed me back in a very sarcastic manner)
6.  In repy to her taking the email public, I again replied privately.  she took it public again and stated she would continue to do so in total defiance of Scott Burn's rules.
She insulted me publicly and that is the only thing that counts.  I did not attack anyone publicly and the fact that she made a private email public is not my fault and not a violation of MoPo rules by me.  In fact, I just had a conversation about your email with another MoPo member and the conversation has words about you that cannot be printed by David K in his professional writings.  Since both of us uttered words concerning this topic which originated on MoPo, I ask you.  Should we be suspended from MoPo for a personal attack on you in a private conversation?  What if I wrote about your inane reasoning to Bruce and he published it in his email club?  Would it be a violation of MoPo rules if (and I say if) I wrote that you were a ---- and Bruce published it?  Come on now and get with it.
You wrote "without a doubt" that I was wrong.  I will not publish a private email.  I can only tell you that you are the only one without a doubt.  I can very easily print all the private emails I received from MoPo members agreeing with me, applauding what I said privately and dissing "you know who".  I also did not receive a single private email telling me I was wrong or agreeing with your "without a doubt" words.
There is also another thing you should do.  Go to NSFGE and read what is going on there.  I was emailed (by a MoPo member) pages and pages of her "discussions" with members there.  She attacked our David Lieberman and they call her The Kautix From Hell.  She does nothing but fight with others there.
You finally end your email with "do unto others as they do unto you".  You call me a hypocrite in the same email while quoting a righteous way of living.  Please explain to me how I can be insulted publicly and that retorting privately is the same thing.  Better yet, explain it to the other members of MoPo.
What I find most ludicrous of all your words concerns your statement about when someone wants to write something useful to the group they should not be flamed.  I believe I was writing something useful to the group when I wrote about being truthful in ebay listings.  I was insulted by a person who has never written a useful thing on MoPo and you can verify that by checking all her past emails.  I reiterated in a private email and you have the nerve to tell me I can't do that.  Show me where the rules of MoPo follow anyone beyond the borders of the site.  Did you ever read the First Amendment? 
The only thing you said that was worth anything were your final words -- "that's my two cents".  You are correct because that's all they are worth.  Here are my final words to you--  that's my million dollars -  and I am worth much more than that.
Claude Litton
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