that is just so COOOOOL!!! The Willis Obrien scuplt is awesome... and a Yoda fountain...?

man.......... That would be fun making some cool stuff like that !

thanks For sharing Ira the Mench!

thats some cool stuff

It would be cool to have cooffe with Lucas , Coppola and  Spielberg.....

I cant even Imagine it happening,, I think Coffee and adrenilyn would make me...

like Roger Rabbit

Rubenstein, Ira wrote:

I was reading a movie web site that mentioned a tour of LUCAS's Skywalker Ranch. The copy mentions a bunch of international one sheets. I guess George collects international paper.
Here is the article.

We left the theater at this point and looked around ILM a bit. Lucas apparently 
collects foreign posters and there large framed Italian posters up everywhere. 
Everything from early Kurosawa movies to obscure Italian noirs to the Sergio 
Leone Man With No Name Trilogy. I myself collect foreign posters and have many 
Italian posters, so I was, of course, drawn to them.



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