
great article with the enclosed photos. an editor i work with has worked at the ranch, doing the final mix on several films. lucas has a strict NO CAMERA/PHOTO policy, although she did snap a number of pics of her walks in the ranch and several of the great one sheets that he has mounted and framed in the mixing stage.

all very nice stuff, for sure.


On Apr 21, 2008, at 10:41 PM, Rubenstein, Ira wrote:

I was reading a movie web site that mentioned a tour of LUCAS's Skywalker Ranch. The copy mentions a bunch of international one sheets. I guess George collects international paper.

Here is the article.

We left the theater at this point and looked around ILM a bit. Lucas apparently collects foreign posters and there large framed Italian posters up everywhere. Everything from early Kurosawa movies to obscure Italian noirs to the Sergio Leone Man With No Name Trilogy. I myself collect foreign posters and have many Italian posters, so I was, of course, drawn to them.



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