No one said he was referring to you specifically ... he was speaking in general.. and how the selling of this material, BY ANYONE, can damage the hobby.

On Aug 27, 2009, at 3:31 PM, wrote:

he is not really referring to me. do the ones I'm selling look real and convincing with the FAKE stamps on the back and the hair on luke's belt? No, of course they don't.

only a complete and total idiot or a blind person who cannot see the "this is not an original movie poster" stamped on the back of the ones I sell, and who cannot see the hair on luke's belt, would confuse them as original.

and to answer his question....

"should the original seller be considered an innocent bystander?"

in my case.....yes, absolutely!

would you hold a gun store owner responsible for murder when he sells a gun legally to someone who then goes and kills someone?

"even is a seller states that he is selling a "fake" or a "repro" that looks damn good and convincing as real does GREAT INJURY TO THE HOBBY, because the buyer, if a bad person, lists it on ebay as an original. his 15.00 cost can yield him hundreds........

should the original seller be considered an innocent bystander?"

David Lieberman | 15721 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 105 -- Scottsdale, Az 85260 Vintage Original Movie Posters | 602 309 0500 | Office/Gallery Open By Appt. Only.

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