Yes. To conserve archive space, I simply second (or third) this statement.
Well phrased double-talk is still double-talk.

-- JR

Franc wrote:
Nicely put.  FRANC

    -----Original Message-----
    *From:* MoPo List [] *On Behalf
    Of *Andrea Kanter
    *Sent:* Wednesday, September 09, 2009 10:48 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [MOPO] Vertigo: Q For Dario!

    You know, I think the general problem is that 'getting away with
    it' does NOT make it alright.  Personally, I'm really tired of
    peoples behavior.  There is a lack of honesty, common sense,
    character, and people who behave properly are considered weak.

That's pathetic.
    Does it make you a 'good business person' to behave dishonestly or
    a jerk?  On my death bed, I will rest easy knowing I didn't
    patronize others to make myself feel better, didn't sue everyone I
    /could have sued /just because I could have, didn't rip off
    innocent, trusting people and smirk to myself about my
    'cleverness', AND taught my children and grandchildren how to
    decipher a mensch from a weakling.


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