So- what is Dip Shit (DS) really telling us? Let me translate...
I KNOW fuckin' everything about this fuckin' fake poster and lobby card 
situation and I KNOW that fuckin' Heritage is doing fuck all nothing about it 
because they don't personally answer my fuckin' questions and kiss my fuckin' 
ass! Grey needs to report to me IMMEDIATELY!!! And when he doesn't give me the 
fuckin' answer I like, I'm gonna fuckin' rant on MoPo because I know how to say 
FUCK and I got an excuse now! I KNOW that fuckin' Jaime is guilty- because 
every fuckin' collector that's on MoPo has implied he is-  and I have appointed 
myself judge, jury and executioner! Grey and those fuckin' attorney's at 
Heritage need a fuckin' personal lecture from me on how to conduct business and 
respond to all the fuckin' fuckheads on MoPo that get their panties in a wad 
beccause we all KNOW they ain't doin' nuthin to help us poor, poor, poor 
fuckin' collectors. It's a fuckin' conspiracy!!! And we're all poor, because we 
pay all those God Damn awful fuckin' fees.
 I KNOW those fuckers at Heritage have personally wrecked the US economy with 
their fuckin' fees and that's why we're fuck all poor.  By the way, I'm God's 
gift to this hobby and I KNOW everything! 
NEXT- I would rather sell all my fucked up posters through Bruce's fuckin' 
auction because I KNOW I dont' have anything good enough for those fuckers at 
Heritage to take in their auction. That's 'cause I'm a cheap-ass fuck and I 
begrudge anyone that actually publishes a color catalog and wants to be paid 
for their fuckin' services! I sure wish I had a fuckin' formula for printing 
cash!!! SHit! Maybe I can get hold of Kerry for that one. GOD-DAMN!!! Whew!!!!! 
Oh-excuse the fuckin' shit out of me! Wait, I was supposed to stick with FUCK!  
I got carried away for a minute. 
I guess FUCK ME!!!!!  
Did I get that about right?

Get off MoPo! IF you can't keep the discussion reasonable instead of going off 
on tirades we really don't need it.

--- On Wed, 10/7/09, dsonesheets <> wrote:

From: dsonesheets <>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What is Grey really telling us? Let me translate...
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 5:45 PM

So business as usual, Grey?  Sure what it sounds like.  No internal 
investigation, not even a temporary halting of using Jaime for your restoration 
EVEN TEMPORARILY until the issue gets settled?  Man, for the amount of money 
you guys make, sure sounds like you're doing jack shit besides being "more 
cautious," which is what we pay those god awful fees for in the first fucking 
place.  Guess when you have a formula for printing your own cash you don't fuck 
with it.

I would rather sell ALL of my material through Bruce on consignment then give a 
single buck to Heritage.  In the middle of this crisis they're doing fuck all, 
and are just trying to keep their head down and hopefully dodge some media 
bullets, while giving nothing but double-talk.  Weren't they always supposed to 
be "overly cautious", being one of the largest movie memorabilia auctioneers in 
the country?  And his comments in the media like sound like something Bull 
Durham coached him on.  Just want to do what's best for the team, etc., etc., 
blah, blah, blah.

Let me tell you what Grey is REALLY saying: 
"First, it should be known that I, Grey Smith, took many of the bullets from 
the opening volley of this conflict, and was ready to lay my life down for the 
cause, and I alone have worked to warn and help collectors with questions 
concerning these dastardly deeds.  A grading and authentication (not 
authentification, which isn't even a word) service would definitely be of help 
but we don't really need it and for God's sake we don't want to pay for it, 
because We Are Heritage and want to maximize our profits, not piss them away. 
This is the way we've always done it, and this is the way we'll continue to do 
it.  And since the fakes are so easy to detect, we won't be overly cautious on 
anything but some horror and a little sci-fi, which means we're not going to do 
a lick of work on 98% of the other material out there unless we get caught 
selling some more fraudulent material.  We are Heritage. Your poster and lobby 
card distinctiveness will be added to our
 own.  Resistance is futile.   End communication."

Did I get that about right?

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Smith, Grey - 1367 <> wrote:

Sean and all MOPOers

I am very certain that no individual has in their possession a forged poster 
that came from Heritage. As a matter of fact, I did first discover the fact of 
these fakes when an attempt was made to consign a "forged" Dracula title card 
from a respected horror collector and I promptly not only called the consignor 
but began speaking with horror buyers throughout the country that I know, to 
let them know what was found. I certainly know Sean and Jim Gresham will attest 
to that. I know that Jim G. then sent me cards to look over, in which my belief 
was, they were forgeries.

I believe I was the first to suggest to certain collectors in Columbus that the 
Frankenstein Title card in another auction may not be authentic, though I had 
not seen it, but knowing that some cards were showing up that were forged.

I have sent clients to John Davis as he began to look into this and I thought 
he was doing a good job, I believe, in verifying the cards.

Do I wish I had thrown up a red flare to the hobby earlier? Perhaps, but the 
extent of this was not known nor was there much on who may have been behind it. 
I think it was when Jim G. sent me his cards that some of us were very 
surprised. No, I was not sworn to secrecy, as some claim, but have worked to 
warn and help collectors with questions concerning these since first 

This is a warning to us to look closely in the future. A grading  and perhaps 
authentification service would be of help but I believe up to this time the 
fakes are not difficult to detect. Please be assured that Heritage is perhaps 
overly cautious at this stage in dealing primarily with horror and a few 
examples of science fiction titles.


On Oct 7, 2009, at 1:45 PM, "Sean Linkenback" 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Bruce,

While I am a little busy today, if you have a list of all these items Heritage 
sold that were fake, I will be happy to comb through the archives for you.

I believe that the 3-sheet of Ghost of Frankenstein mentioned in the complaint 
by Jim Gresham was from Heritage, and I see it has been removed from their 

I also know Heritage's policy is to not report any sales which fell through, 
and while I would imagine this would include the inadvertent selling of fakes 
perhaps you should address this question to Grey Smith rather than me, as I am 
still not on their (or anyone else's) payroll.


----- Original Message -----

From: Bruce Hershenson<>

To: Sean Linkenback<>

Cc: <><>

Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:51 AM

Subject: Re: [MOPO] Where to send Universal material to authenticate?

I went to the LAMP site and of course you are correct, and I apologize for the 
error, to LAMP and anyone else who was offended by it.

I think I was thinking of LAMP not appearing to have anything on their site 
about the Dracula fake being "authenticated" and then withdrawn, or is there a 
link to that as well?

Sean, since you seem to be an expert on this, can you tell me if the Hertiage 
archives on their site still includes items that proved to be fake, and if so, 
why? Doesn't this distort the apparent rarity of those items?


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