Ns4 is cool too. Mpf also is - I have struggled to make clear that ours is an addition, not an alternative, to anyone who cares to participate.


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Begin forwarded message:

From: Dario Casadei <m...@vintagemovieart.ca>
Date: December 19, 2009 12:51:56 PM EST
Subject: Re: [MOPO] New Poster Forum/Group
Reply-To: Dario Casadei <m...@vintagemovieart.ca>

Yes indeed I saw that, So best of luck with the new forum!

Consequently, I am very happy with Ari and Scott's house, so I don't see my self needing anything more than that.

MPF, I am disappointed what has transpired. However I wont resort to name calling or banning my self. I might not post as much, but I made a commitment to mend and forge ahead. Good or bad, I'll stick with that.


Phil Edwards wrote:

Not sure if anyone has mentioned it here yet. A new poster forum/ group has started in the last few days, run by a couple of serious collectors.


I for one welcome it, the more the merrier, and any forum/group that is interested in spreading real info and giving a voice to the
world of movie posters is certainly welcome.

Thus far it's an ad-free zone, probably one of the most important issues to ensure there isn't a conflict of interests.

All Poster Forum also covers other than movie posters, such as music, theatre, advertising, et al and I know there are many members of MOPO who both collect and deal in these areas, so it also helps fill a bit of a gap in these areas.

Phil Edwards
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