At 06:37 AM 8/21/2010, Claude Litton wrote:

Ebay is not the only one in the world "insanely greedy". All one has to do is go to ebay, search movie posters and sort by highest price first. You will get page after page of "insaaaaaane" prices. These prices do not help the movie poster collecting world or ebay.


Claude is so-o-o-o-o right..
I wish I had tracked some sellers like Miniver. He had that Trip to the Moon postyer at $100,000 years back when he first listed it on fleaBay (maybe 75k come to think of it)

the poster never sells and has been relisted ad-nauseum for a full decade and the price has slowly climbed to $650k I guess the thinking is "I need to reclaim all those ebay fees that I have spent on listing this $%#& poster for ten years"

Then there are the people who have Star Wars one sheets (regular style, 2nd-3rd-4th printings) at $1999. AND A RESERVE
(what, the $1999 price wasn't reserved enough?)

there are the "supposed" sellers who have 100 posters listed of which few are really desirable and all of which have reserves they get listed every week and sometimes you even see a fair bid on some - but they still don't meet the reserve (these are the "look what I have sellers." - "oh, aren't I cool because I have these?")

there is one guy who relists on a weekly basis posters for Out of Sight (60s hotrod movie) and other automobile & surfer titles with a reserve. They have gotten bids once upon a time that were actually quite fair to the seller. But they've never sold because who knows what he wants, so now nobody bids on them, and he pays the relist & reserve fees again next week. He will never be able to get out because the fees of one year's listing is more than any one of them is worth (except the Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow.. he has a few more weeks of fees to catch up with that poster)

I could go on all day about them and I have to wonder how smart any of these sellers are. How long will they continue to list them if they lose their day jobs??

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