Christ, Michael, why don't you just call me an asshole or something!   
Every word of your post sounds like a pathetic whine.  I'd prefer it if  you'd 
tell me to go to Poster Hell or stick a pin in a little Rick Ryan  
doll...ANYTHING but whining about the damn thing!
In a message dated 9/3/2010 5:00:08 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

you did not read the earlier posts.
2 days ago this person attacked the prices of my posters on ebay.   i 
affirm the notion that poster values are whatever the  buyers/sellers agree.  
why did he attack my prices?
i merely pointed out that if he wants to give an estimate, he should not  
say that a poster "regularly sells for $250-350" when bruce's last sale was  
132.  and we know bruce fetches great prices.
when i gave my estimate 2 days, HE ATTACKED ME PUBLICY ON MOPO.   

so please read the entire thread.  but, the dealers stick  together.  dont 
happy labor day.

The one  great thing about having various sources to buy from is that you 
can select,  of your own free will, the seller with the best options for you, 
whether  price, condition or whatever. So, I think this should be a private 
 conservation between buyer and seller, not fodder for all of us to 
speculate  on a private purchase. I think Rick has very fair prices, he always 
 Whenever I ask for something that I need here on the group, he is usually  
one of the first to respond and often for the lowest price and I receive it 
 within a day or two. 

Now, I'm sure he has items that are more  costly, but since he is the owner 
of them, he has the right to ask  whatever price he wants as do you Michael 
and, of course, you have the right  to say "thank you" but "no thank you".  
 Isn't the price  determined by what the market will bear, whether 
privately, on Ebay or the  internet? Don't most people want to get the most for 
their items they can? I  remember a day when both of those posters went for 
than Rick is asking  for them, but times have changed and the economy is 
not doing so well  these days. 

So..... have a great weekend everyone.......Thank  you.


-----Original  Message-----
From: Susan Heim <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 3, 2010 7:51 pm
1948 MANTAN  M...

 The one great thing about having various sources to buy from is that you 
can  select, of your own free will, the seller with the best options for you, 
 whether price, condition or whatever. So, I think this should be a private 
 conservation between buyer and seller, not fodder for all of us to 
speculate  on a private purchase. I think Rick has very fair prices, he always 
 Whenever I ask for something that I need here on the group, he is usually 
one  of the first to respond and often for the lowest price and I receive it 
within  a day or two. 

Now, I'm sure he has items that are more costly,  but since he is the owner 
of them, he has the right to ask whatever  price he wants as do you Michael 
and, of course, you have the right to say  "thank you" but "no thank you".  
 Isn't the price determined by  what the market will bear, whether 
privately, on Ebay or the internet? Don't  most people want to get the most for 
their items they can? I remember a day  when both of those posters went for 
than Rick is asking for them, but  times have changed and the economy is 
not doing so well these days.  

So..... have a great weekend everyone.......Thank  you.

Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 19:34:55 -0400
From: _dialmbb...@aol.com_ ( 
1948 MANTAN M...
To:  _mop...@listserv.american.edu_ (mailto:MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU) 

didn't i buy Letter From An Unknown  Woman insert 3 months ago from you as 
a private sale for more  money than bruce sold the same poster?  i was happy 
to get it, although  you took forever to send it.
i suppose it proves that a price is determined by whatever a  buyer and 
seller agree.
even though you are way overpriced or trying to give illusions  that your 2 
posters are valued a lot higher than anyone else on MOPO would  agree, 
there might be someone willing to overpay on ebay.
notice how the dealers are not saying anything about your  inflated prices? 
 as i always say, MOPO dealers stick  together.  
good luck.....
In a message dated 9/3/2010 7:10:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
_rixpost...@aol.com_ (  writes:

Jeez,  you're one resentful S.O.B., aren't you...

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