Welcome back Andy!

Let me bring you up to date what you've missed.

1. Mopo'ers  have blocked 2377 Fleabayers this year alone.
2. West Plains, MO has been renamed Hershensonville, and there are t-shirts 
3. Whenever a legendary movie actor dies,  Mexican lobby cards magically appear.
4. Some guy named Kerry Haggard is in a federal pen somewhere and is now known 
as Luther's Bitch.
5. Don't dare charge extra for postage or you will be summarily drawn and 
6. A new guy has joined MOPO, Rick Ryan, and he occasionally posts his listings.
7. Claude Litton retired and NYC law prestige dropped 7 points.
8. Sean Linkenback is now one of the good guys   (I know!  Shocking huh?)
9. Michael B is the go-to-guy for customer service appraisals.

and Kirby McDaniel just celebrated last week his 49th 

freeman fisher

I may have skipped a couple of banner headlines, go to LAMP for more skinny.

On Dec 14, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Andy Neal wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've joined MoPo again after having a break for a while - Thought I'd say 
> howdy!
> Have a great Christmas all!
> Andy
> Kind Regards
> Andy Neal
> ยป www.movieposterforum.com
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