I thought Hugo was a masterpiece and and one of the best uses of 3D I've ever seen, including the previous high watermark of Avatar. Seeing tiny particles of dust glinting in and out of the middleground sunlight in the station scenes and snowflakes falling (in perspective), lit only by street lamps was simply beautiful. You really couldn't take your eyes off the screen for more than a second or two without missing one exquisite visual touch after another. The recreation of the famous Gare Montparnesse train crash had me on the edge of my seat and took me by complete surprise as I'd never read the original source material, "The Invention of Hugo Cabret". I loved the concept that Hugo considered his purpose was to "fix broken things" and his solutions for "fixing" Monsieur Georges and the Station Master.

I know a number of critics felt that the stories of Hugo, Isabelle and Monsieur Georges never properly integrated, and the separate, smaller stories of the Station Master/flower girl and the old man trying to woo the lady with the angry dog were just distractions, but I felt everything fit together very well. Much like the many pieces of a clock in fact, the multiple story threads all came together to form a fully-realized and satisfying mechanism.

As they say, if you see only one movie this year, you really should get out more and see more movies. If you're that sort of person you probably wouldn't enjoy this movie either, but if you really like the art and have even a passing familiarity with the history of cinema then I can't recommend Hugo highly enough. However, it really has to be seen in 3D to get the full visual enjoyment.

Colin Hunter

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