Interesting idea.

But if this rumor/legend was true, why would the EAST OF EDEN title have been left uncovered on the posters, with only the part which speaks of Dean in the present tense, be printed over?

The title is still right there to remind anyone who saw it, about EDEN.

It seems that they covered over the part of the sentence that presents Dean in the present, which, of course, was no longer the case, by this point in time.

On Apr 24, 2012, at 9:38 AM, Kirby McDaniel wrote:

However, I have heard from several sources this legend. It goes like this: EAST OF EDEN was a really racy picture
in it's day, and was rejected by a lot of southern theaters.
The overprinting or obscuring was an attempt to take EAST OF EDEN out of the minds of the public.

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