Have you noticed a delete key on your keyboard?

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 From: Rix Posterz <rixpost...@aol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Why do so few women participate on MoPo?

Please...I implore everyone.  Don't give this woman any ammunition for 
her volleys against the righteous heralds of movie poster-dom.  Let her go 
away..far away...like a troublesome toothache or an annoying canker 
sore.  And keep telling yourselves: "All will be well...eventually all will 
be well..."
In a message dated 6/12/2012 5:57:20 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, 
fdav...@verizon.net writes:
You  should consider writing a blog. FRANC
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: MoPo List  [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Geraldine 
>> Kudaka
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 8:10 PM
>>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Why do so few  women participate on MoPo?
>>The odd thing is that women love movies. 
>>I don't know how many of my women friends belong  to movie groups. They meet 
>>up to have a bite and see a flick together. They  share videos and pass along 
>>DVDs to each other. But poster collectors? I  hadn't really thought about the 
>>number of women collectors vs the number of  male collectors so I did a quick 
>>google search. 
>>From bankrate.com  " From birth, American women and men are raised to view  
>>and spend money quite differently. Our socialization, a trained behavior, is  
>>primarily modeled after our same-sex parent. While experts agree these  
>>generalizations are breaking down, the money paradigm most of us have been  
>>dealt is similar... 
>>Women, trained to nurture and seek  acceptance, view money as a means to 
>>create a lifestyle. Women spend  on things that enhance day-to-day living. 
>>Theirs is a now-money  orientation. 
>>Men, trained to fix and provide, view 
          money as a means to capture and accumulate value. Men don't spend, 
          they invest. Men don't want something, they need it. Theirs is a 
          future-money orientation..."
>>The article goes on the elaborate 
          what each of the sexes accumulates or collects.. Women like to shop 
          whereas men get trophies...
>>"Men will say, 'I need a new  computer.' No, you want a new computer because 
>>it's faster, it  has more bells and whistles," says Hayden. "Men move those 
>>things they  want into an investment category, 'This is a good investment.' 
>>And  then they can't even enjoy it, they can't go, 'Oh, this is so much  
>>fun!' Everything is a serious need and everything is an investment.  What men 
>>need to do is kind of ease up a little bit and enjoy what  they're actually 
>>able to provide for themselves...<snip>...  Women spend their money gradually 
>>over time, and men spend it on a  number of big things. "They spend really 
>>big to show off because  there's a lot of ego risk on men today to do better 
>>than the next  guy," she says.."
>>As far as bankrate.com is concerned, women 
          would rather spend hundreds buying a new pair of shoes or outfit, 
          go out to dinner and the movies where as guys will take that $$$ and 
          invest in movie memorabilia. Guys will then join and post on MOPO to 
          follow their investment. 
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