We all accept that when running your own business we have to live with a
certain amount of constraint BUT it seems to me that ebay has become the
definition of BIG BROTHER - George Orwell's ultimate 1984. Running your own
business is about being Creative, Flexible and Entrepreneurial and it would
seem that EBAY is a desert when it comes to those qualities for online
vendors. If we want to foster and grow these qualities for our financial
gain, the answer must be to leave ebay and work our own websites with the
same degree of professionalism that is displayed on ebay but without the
standover mystifying tactics. We should still network & support this hobby
without a monster such as ebay asking you to do a tap dance every day to the
tune of ...


A. set up a store - pay me some money

B. change the rules regularly not in favour of the vendor

C.Ignore previous signs of Vendor achievements

D.Selectively reward some but not others leaving a bad taste in your most

E. Increase the fees you pay to me and make it harder to be found on

D. Have a Good Day !



Now I am not really on ebay as you all know  and I operate from my own
website but I would love to see the major players who are on ebay do what
Bruce and others have done and leave it..



Kind Regards


Ben Wadley

All About Movies

Website: www.allaboutmovies.com.au


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