Yep....going to need a good map, a strong torch and a set of divining rods.

Posteropolis wrote on 9/08/2014 9:59 AM:
Good luck finding a virgin in this group...



-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of David
Sent: August-08-14 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] has the entire Mopo become to serious?:)

Maybe what the hobby needs is some fresh blood or a virgin sacrifice to
the poster gods...

Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote on 9/08/2014 9:39 AM:
I think MoPo is lacking more discussion because most of us are older
people and have said our piece multiple times and that because it is
an email group that refuses attachments (like images). It's a dinosaur

but I can add that most of the forums are also reasonably quiet,
probably because everyone has said most of what they wanted to say as

At 04:16 PM 8/8/2014, Greg Douglass wrote:
Watch it, Martin. I'll come east and steal your Portal repros.
Greg D
---- Tom Martin <> wrote:
Thanks to everyone Mopo has been my refuge for years and is like a
quaint old coffee shop with coconut cream  pie... except the rowdy's
like Greg and Rudy that cause disruption of the class. figures

On 2014-08-08 15:03, Rudy Franchi wrote:
MOPO might be more serious, but it's quite tame compared to the
days shortly after its start. I sorta miss all that back bitting,
stabbing back then. rudy

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Tom Martin
<> wrote:

jay and Cindy YES LOL
On 2014-08-08 11:32, Jay Nemeth-Johannes wrote:
A linen backed poster walks into a bar.
The bartender says "We don't serve your kind in here. Your already
plastered and stiff as a board"

Sorry, best I could come up with on short notice.


On Fri, 8 Aug 2014 16:27:59 +0100, Tommy Barr
Tom Martin

Is smartin'

Cos Mopo

Gone dopo.

No jokes here

Just blokes here



A timely reminder

We all should be kinder -

Why not share a laugh

As well as lithograph?

So here's hoping Tom Martin Keeps belchin' and fartin'!

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Tom Martin wrote:
hey mopoers... has everyone become serious old cranky people or
years ago I remember people joked..has humor become obselete? In
society that likes to Bash everyone and eberything , comment on
like war, monstanto. and minty white inserts,, does anyone else not
theHumor in it all? or unless people tweet which i never do I
people simply taking has become a nostalgic thing.. I remember a 7
Limey visiting me... Zeev the israel canadian, and many of you like
was yesterday.. what the hell? what ever happend to that cranky
from new york that was in real estate.. he was talky.. and Joe
and all the old timers.. what about a roll call who is still aliive
here.. earth to mopo,, Dot levey sent me a joke email and I think
is still out there what about sue and Toochis and all... shelly
whitworth.. helllloooo? I want to know where everyones been while
been on my haitis of almost croaking -LOL
Roger corman should make a movie about me the adventures Of Tom
Zombie" ( the idoit that didnt know how the die " Ok back to your
and tea..

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Lessons, Live Shows, Touring,
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