At the end of the day, and I ask this in all innocence, surely it is better
to complain to HA rather than simply ignore the problem or stop doing
business with them? Would they not prefer to keep clients rather than lose
them by having a seemingly unfair international shipping charge, or are
they just too big to care?


On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 5:53 PM, filip de volder <>

> Helmut , If you get overcharged then you should  let them know , it's easy
> , you receive an item , you can figure out what the packing costs , you can
> check with the carrier used with their rates what they actually paid and
> there's some handlingcosts that can be added , if that's way under what
> they charged you  then you can  ask a refund , if they refuse then  you
> tell the seller to fuck off and never buy from them again , there's a lack
> of fuck offs in the world today anyway .
> the shipping rip off is like  what was common in grocery and butcher
> stores before the digital weightscales appeared , there was a lot of
> boogiewoogie with the weights ...
> filip
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 16:36:31 +0200
> From:
> Subject: Re: [MOPO] HA shipping costs
> Am 09.07.2015 um 13:28 schrieb Simon Oram <>:
> Look Heritage's shipping charges for the weekly slots are expensive for
> overseas buyers on cheap items or items that you thought you got for a
> bargain price , so move on and don't buy from them anymore or better still
> set up an address in the US to get all your stuff sent there, if you can.
> What more do want?
> Simon,
> with all due respect, but I also had my grievances with Heritage's
> shipping department in the past… Several years ago, they had GREAT rates
> with Fedex, two-day international delivery, for less money than USPS
> Priority Mail.
> Unfortunately, the Heritage shipping department was repeatedly unable to
> give me ANY estimate upfront. Nobody over there was able or willing to tell
> me, what the best option for my deliveries would've been. In consequence, I
> had to make a blind choice, and pay whatever they charged me.
> I mean, we're not talking about a couple of bucks here: Take a $10 poster
> purchase, with buyer's premium you're at roughly $25, add $40 for shipping
> and 19% import tax, you end up paying $77 for what started out as a $10
> poster.
> In consequence, I complete gave up bidding on low-key items with Heritage,
> since they usually ended up costing me WAY too much money.
> On a related topic: I guess I am somewhat sensitive about shipping costs,
> but I still have to see the reason why so many ebay sellers feel they are
> untitled to grant themselves a substantial premium for shipping outside the
> US. None of those guys would dare to charge $25 for a domestic package,
> that costs them $5 to ship, yet they have no hesitation to charge $40 for
> an international package, that costs less than $20 to ship.
> Also, the common shipping option I see listed is Priority Mail
> International. For most of my incoming packages, that's a waste of money.
> It DOES take an extra click on the USPS website to find the cost for First
> Class Mail International, and one more click to choose the free 'delivery
> confirmation' option, which will provide full tracking all the way to
> Germany. Then again, why go the extra mile and ship for $20, when you can
> make your buyer pay $40 and ship Priority?
> Helmut
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