Well done.


On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:23 PM, David Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
> wrote:

> Adrian Cowdry, 1964-2016
> * I'm writing this to amplify the dimensions of a charismatic man we have
> all lost.  I never met Adrian in person.  But over two decades, we
> engaged in zillions of conversations that went well beyond his known
> affection for movie posters, World War II history, conservative U.K.
> politics, Harley Davidson motorcycles - and of course, all things James
> Bond.
> * Adrian was only 52 when he took his own life - and it appears that he
> engineered his death to coincide with his birthday, which was two days ago,
> on August 29.  He was a passionate thinker, going against the grain on
> many issues, peppering his commentaries with hilariously worded language.
> Standing at 6-5 - he was literally and figuratively a larger-than-life man.
> * We shared dark ideologies about the meaning of life, politics and
> families.  (He leaves behind a wife and three grown children.)  While I
> do not know how Adrian chose to end his life - nor the specific catalysts
> that spurred him - our many exchanges included emails (which I've spent
> hours re-reading today) - which suggest how death - whether by natural
> causes or otherwise - was regarded as a matter-of-fact subject for both of
> us - albeit for different reasons.
> * (NOTE:  the following is my opinion, not necessarily factual).  In my
> view, Adrian's feelings about suicide had hardened during the past 10 years.
> It is also my view that he was NOT mentally ill, which is a reflexive
> diagnosis given by others who react to this type of horror.  I believe
> Adrian's views solidified as the result of at least three gigantic events:
> 1) getting cancer in 2008 and joining the list of millions of "survivors"
> who go into remission - but are forever haunted by its possible return; 2)
> the suicide of his terminally ill father in December 2013; and, 3) the
> death of his mother just 36 hours later, by, in Adrian words, "a broken
> heart."  His parents had been married for 50 years.
> * For all his joviality and cutting wit - Adrian was a serious and
> practical man - who strived for perfection in everything he did.  Today,
> as I reflect on his great but short life, I am struck by the following
> passages, excerpted over several emails we exchanged in 2013 and 2014.  These
> are Adrian's own words:
> ** "There is an argument for euthanasia and assisted suicide. You would
> not allow a dog to suffer in this way. The arguments about playing god are
> strong - but not as strong as (making sure that) your loved ones do not
> suffer..."*
> ** "Like you, I do not have any religious bent, I do not condemn anyone
> their faith - but I cannot believe in an all seeing creator. I do believe,
> however - that our bodies are not the be all and end all...I firmly believe
> that souls live on.  Whether they remain to help loved ones - or to just
> keep an eye (on us) - I am not sure.  But I often feel the presence of folk
> from my past who were close to me.  And I often dream that I am conversing
> and perhaps even receiving messages from them, (such as), "tell so and so
> not to worry about us, because all is well..."  This could be my
> subconscious speaking - for which I have no explanation - so I go with the
> flow and accept them for what they are - that they are dreams with possible
> messages."*
> ** "And like you I (sometimes) feel the presence of someone (who has
> passed).  My great uncle was a master baker who taught me a lot about
> cooking.  He was from Yorkshire and he taught me how to make Yorkshire puds
> by (a strict) rule of thumb.  And every time I make them, I remember how he
> used to say to me, "you're doing good, lad."  And as you say, I do remember
> facial expressions and idiosyncrasies.  I'd like to think (there is more to
> life) than just conception (and) death.  I do feel that the soul lives on."*
> ** "I often feel that folk gain comfort knowing their loved ones are
> (always) around.  Love is such a strong emotion that keeps those who have
> passed - in one's mind.  And in many ways - this keeps them (forever)
> alive. ...(But) you would not allow a dog to suffer.  No human should go
> through this.  Your dad will be at peace when he passes and you will
> remember the better times before this last phase of his life."*
> * BTW, in the last excerpt - Adrian is referring to struggles I had with
> my Dad, who passed away last year from Alzheimer's.  It is obvious, when
> I read Adrian's own hand - that he was a deep thinker, a philosopher, a man
> in touch with his accomplishments - as well as a man with a tactile sense
> of humanity, of suffering, of his own mortality, trying to gain full
> control and measure of his own destiny - instead of being dragged behind it.
> * Like everyone else, I grieve for him and will miss him tremendously.  But
> I'm comforted that despite being an empirical sort - and because Adrian
> himself always believed the soul lives on - I will too.  He will forever
> speak to me from the beyond. - d.
> ** Closing with Adrian's signature sign off, *
> *"This Never Happened to the Other Fella...."*
> [image: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img924/4379/0bNnrR.jpg]
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