Steve --

On Tuesday, 6/14/11, 7:37 AM, "Steven Peterson" <> wrote:

Hi Ham,

How is the preference in intellectual preferences different
in kind from biological preferences? I can't simply decide
by force of will to prefer 2+2=5 over 2+2=4 any more than
I can will myself not to bleed when stabbed through the heart.

I'm not distinguishing biological preferences from intellectual preferences. Preferences are volitional responses to value sensibility. They can be emotional, physical, aesthetic, social, or intellectual. Mathematical "values" are a horse of a different color. We don't respond valuistically to numbers or equations any more than to the fact that Paris is a city in France, or that the sun rises in the morning. So, I fail to see why you would suppose that equations had any relevance to sensible value or personal preference.

Why do you insist on complicating what amounts to exercising your will?

Do you prefer coffee or tea? Do you like pop music or the classics? Are you more attracted to blondes or brunettes? Do you support liberal or conservative candidates? THESE are preferences, Steve. They are all based on your personal values. You may not be able to "will" yourself not to bleed, but you are free to choose how you will stop the bleeding. Indeed, you are free to decide what action to take on virtually any value option presented to you.

The more typical agument is that whatever you do, however you act, is determined by prior causes, the implication being that you are not a free agent. Even if that were true, nobody knows what those "causes" might be, nor can they prevent you from exercising your free will or choice on the matter. So it's not as if you were acting out a motion picture, frame by frame, and HAD to act as the director choreographed it.

And since your action is a response to your value sensibilities, rather than a biogenetic program, you ARE a free agent. In fact, you are the Choicemaker of your world.

Enjoy your freedom in good health,

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