On Jun 12, 2011, at 2:43 AM, Ham Priday wrote:

> The "singularity" I allude to here is that man is created as a 'being-aware', 
> an entity that stands apart from his Creator.  As a free agent of the 
> Absolute Source, man has an autonomy that transcends the laws of biological 
> survival in the existential sense, as well as the "packaged choices" paradigm 
> of statistical probability.  This is why Protagoras declared that "man is the 
> measure of all things," (an axiom that, as Marsha reminds me, I incorrectly 
> credited to Parmenides in my response to Ron yesterday).

Greetings Ham,

My difficulty accepting your "autonomy" is that in the state of awareness there 
is no 'I' or objects.   The self and other are patterns that are applied later. 



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