Hi Marsha,
The innovation is educational, and high quality because it is real,
constructed and operated with his own hands understanding the
underlying processes, and able to be physically shown to new
audiences. The real recycle potential in the waste plastic is made
empirically evident. Quality.

Eco-engineering-wise it is flawed and not novel (I was doing this on
the kitchen stove 45 years ago). It is very unlikely this is
ecologically cost effective at this scale with random plastic
feedstock. Questions of efficiencies of the heat source and the
process, and emissions of hydrocarbon (and other) gases as well as the
condensate, the need for post processing if you want to do more than
burn it smokily and inefficiently, health and safety, and more.
Pyrolysis plants work on an industrial scale, where the efficiencies
and secondary processes can be managed.

So it's good to educate people with their own eyes and hands that
recycling is worth pursuing because it really works, but flawed to
suggest private self-sufficient processing as the answer.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 12:00 AM, MarshaV <val...@att.net> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am not in a position to respond to the efficiency and feasibility of the 
> project.  You may all know more than me on this topic.  It is innovative and 
> might be a good way to recycle our piles of plastic refuse.  I heard, not to 
> long ago, that most of our recyclables are still dumped in landfills or in 
> the ocean.  I was also impressed with what drove him to such a solution.  It 
> was caring.
> Marsha
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