Hi X Acto and All,

DQ/SQ!  When can the intellect acknowledge reality as indefinable?
Metaphysics endorses indefinable/definable reality DQ/SQ.  The concept of
intellect alone is inadequate to validate DQ as indefinable.  IMHO A baby's
learning curve starts with suckling, crying, and other manifestations of
primitive emotional responses in attention in the perception of reality.

Emotions and intellect!

Imho intellectual manifestations include negation, indefinable DQ.  In the
development of an infant, emotions, an instinctive reaction, manifest as a
cognitive function prior to definable intellectual reality.  Crying is
different from waking, sleeping, dreaming, cooing and other.


On 9/12/13 6:12 PM, "X Acto" <xa...@rocketmail.com> wrote:

> "... my statement that Dynamic Quality is always affirmative was not a wise
> statement, since it constitutes a limitation or partial definition of Dynamic
> Quality. Whenever one talks about Dynamic Quality someone else can take
> whatever is said and make a static pattern out of it and then dialectically
> oppose that pattern. The best answer to the question, ³What is Dynamic
> Quality?² is the ancient Vedic one‹‹³Not this, not that.²"
  - RMP

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