John L. McConnell said:
If you qualify experience as "physical experience", then a level of experience 
beyond that makes perfect sense.

The MoQ is not only about 'physical experience'. It identifies at least 5 that 
I am aware of.

I can think of two self-imposed limitations of the MOQ:
1.      Its deliberate avoidance of theistic language constrains it.  How can 
you talk about absolute reality without using the language of Absolute Reality?

The MoQ is, as far as I understand it, non-theistic. Where from the need to use 
theistic language in a non theistic metaphysics?

What is Absolute Reality?

2.      It remains open-ended.  To the extent that open-endedness allows it to 
be extended, expanded, enhanced, and in general, used in many ways to make 
living, working, and thinking better, that's not a limitation.  I thin that's 
what Dr, Pirsig intended.

Agreed, but I can't see NON open-endedness as an inherent aspect of the MoQ. 
What makes you think it is NOT open-ended? The only qualification, I suppose, 
would be that any extension, expansion, enhancement and betterment is that it 
meets the standards of the MoQ itself.

Unless you can think of a better metaphysics than Pirsig's MoQ?

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