
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 4:49 AM, Dan Glover <> wrote:
> John,
> I for one am glad they didn't run you off. I enjoy our discussions
> even if we don't agree. I think it's good to examine these differences
> of opinion and helps to build a more solid foundation for the MOQ.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 1:59 PM, John Carl <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the moderation, Horse.
>> Personally, I'll be more careful.
>> John
>> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 12:05 PM, Horse <> wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> Just a quick note to say that no-one is being removed from MD for having
>>> an opinion that is not part of the mainstream of thought on this list.
>>> I also think folks need to lighten up a bit and be slightly less tense
>>> when partaking of a conversation.
>>> Remember that we're here to discuss RMP's work and as part of that
>>> endeavour we should try and emulate the manner in which he created it
>>> which, I believe, was in the spirit of good will and tolerance.
>>> Anyone who was at the 2005 conference will remember what Pirsig said about
>>> the idea of fairness - I think that this underlined how he would like to
>>> see discussions relating to the MOQ proceeding.
>>> Could anyone present in 2005 really imagine Bob ripping one of the
>>> speakers a new one if they'd have said something a bit controversial - cos
>>> I can't!
>>> Try to keep your blood pressure down and your heart rate low and steady -
>>> skin up a fat one if you like and take a few deep drags before replying.
>>> Horse
>>> On 19/05/2014 19:32, T-REXX Techs wrote:
>>>> Hmmm.  Let's see now.  With whom can I hope to have fraternal dialogue?
>>>> On the one hand we have John Carl in a thoughtful discourse with Dan:
>>>> Let me put it a slightly different way, Dan.  remember when the art
>>>> teacher was so impressed by Phaedrus's "sculpture"?  And yet Phdrs didn't
>>>> see why?
>>>> Dan:
>>>> Absolutely. Phaedrus didn't understand DeWeese. They were on different
>>>> wave lengths. One was a rationalist and the other an artist.
>>>> Jc:  And yet they were friends.  That is, there wasn't any antipathy or
>>>> competition driving their relationship, but an interest in each other's
>>>> different way of thinking.  I find it telling that the artist seemed to
>>>> "get" the intellectual more than the intellectual got the artist.  At
>>>> least
>>>> in this story.
>>>>   John: The classic seems dynamic to the romantic, and vice versa.  But
>>>> ultimately, the "realest" thing we can be sure of, is an aesthetic good -
>>>> something that "feels" right.  It has to be logical, of course.  Anything
>>>> illogical is bad thinking, but logic is like the law - a schoolmaster, and
>>>> does not itself own the goal of it's own technique.
>>>> Dan:
>>>> Well, in that same section of ZMM, DeWeese asks Phaedrus to look at a
>>>> light switch in his studio that's not working. He says how DeWeese has the
>>>> look of an art patron asking the artist a question about a painting he
>>>> doesn't understand.
>>>> Jc: DeWeese didn't understand electricity but that wasn't the bone of
>>>> contention in this episode - it was whether or not intuition can guide one
>>>> in seeking solutions. Phaedrus intuitively knew that the problem was in the
>>>> switch because he had some technical information about the way electricity
>>>> works, that DeWeese did not. This was frustrating to an artist who prides
>>>> himself on listening to his intuition alone. He contrasts DeWeese with the
>>>> Sutherlands in that he is not anti-technology at all... he is simply so far
>>>> removed from it he doesn't understand it. But he is always willing to learn
>>>> more. DeWeese becomes frustrated when he doesn't understand how Phaedrus
>>>> knew it was the switch, especially when told it was obvious. In
>>>> hat sense, DeWeese is neither a classic personality or a romantic.
>>>>> He is beyond that. He is an artist.
>>>  We then have John Carl, justifiably indignant when abusively provoked:
>>>> When you say "about", do you mean parrotting? Because that's something
>>>> weird I've encountered with both you and dmb, that you think the MoQ is to
>>>> be memorized and staticized whereas I believe that metaphysics of Quality
>>>> implies potential for continuuing betterness. That is, the question of what
>>>> is good and not, can be asked ad inifitum about anything and everything,
>>>> including the MoQ itself. It's a process, not a thing. You guys seem to
>>>> want to carve it in stone and cause it to be worshipped. That's the problem
>>>> with humanity, they try and make a religion out of everything. Well not the
>>>> MoQ, fuck you very much. This is sacred ground and not to be contained in
>>>> your shelves and definitions, white man. Then John wrote an apology letter
>>>> to Robert Pirsig: Dear Bob, I apologize for the abject state of your only
>>>> academical representation in the world today. Unfortunately you were right
>>>> all along and no person of Quality would want to have anything to do with
>>>> that instrument of asshole-ery - the academy. I feel somewhat to blame
>>>> because I really felt early on that if I'd just cared enough, I could have
>>>> taken SOM on in the academy myself but in the end I decided I'd rather keep
>>>> my sanity and have a family and a happy life. It was self-serving, in a
>>>> way, but all I can say was that it seemed the quality decision at the time.
>>>> But when I see what we've come to, I may have made a mistake. Sorry, Yours
>>>> prayerfully, John
>>>> Finally, we have a representative response from David Buchanan:
>>>> John's self-serving bullshit is the kind of thing that gives rhetoric and
>>>> sophistry a bad name. Since he cannot or will not meet the most basic
>>>> standards of intellectual quality, his tactic is to attack those standards
>>>> and attack those who respect such standards. If he were sick, he'd portray
>>>> health as something to avoid like the plague. If he were penniless, he'd
>>>> condemn wealth and so it is with intellectual values and standards. John's
>>>> delusional and self-aggrandizing bullshit does not meet the most basic
>>>> standards of quality and so his foolish pride demands that he construe
>>>> them
>>>> as something we should not want. According to John, precision and accuracy
>>>> is just "parrotting," remembering and understanding is just is just for
>>>> those who "think the MoQ is to be memorized and staticized" and those who
>>>> condemn contradictory nonsense "want to carve it in stone and cause it to
>>>> be
>>>> worshipped" and "make a religion" out of it. Even definitions are a
>>>> violation "sacred ground", he says  to the "white man". "Fuck you", John
>>>> says to the guy with the PhD and the guy with the Masters degree, and he
>>>> doesn't "want to have anything to do with that instrument of asshole-ery -
>>>> the academy". If he'd "cared enough," John claims, he "could have taken
>>>> SOM
>>>> on in the academy" but that would be at odds with sanity, "a family and a
>>>> happy life". Yea, those grapes would would have been downright bitter.
>>>> They're poison. They are the forbidden fruit, the font of evil, the source
>>>> of madness, they'll destroy your family and your happiness. Intellectual
>>>> values are for parrots and higher education is for assholes.
>>>> But John is not anti-intellectual. No way. I can't imagine where anyone
>>>> got
>>>> that idea. That's just crazy.
>>>> But seriously, I think John has no business in a forum like this. He not
>>>> only doesn't care about the point and purpose of this forum, he's openly
>>>> hostile to it and does nothing but get in the way of those who do care
>>>> about
>>>> making sense and who do understand what Pirsig is saying. John is not a
>>>> critic or gadfly or rebel. He's just a narcissistic asshole, an ignorant
>>>> and
>>>> childish blowhard. Apparently he thinks it's better to be hated than
>>>> ignored. As long as he gets attention, nothing else matters.
>>>> Disgusting. Depressing.
>>>  Dialogue, especially when it is written and lacks the directness and
>>>> subtlety of face-to face encounter, requires openness as well as
>>>> open-mindedness; vulnerability, as well as allowing for vulnerability in
>>>> others; empathy, charity, acceptance, and forgiveness; willingness to
>>>> modify one's perceptions of another; willingness to relate to another as a
>>>> person, not as a philosophical position. I have been able to do that with
>>>> John Carl and to establish a very cordial relationship in which exchange of
>>>> ideas, as well as mutual correction and refinement of views, can occur
>>>> freely and without rancor. Similarly, Anthony and I have established a
>>>> deeply friendly and mutually respectful relationship which has been of
>>>> great value to me personally and in my philosophical endeavors. But David,
>>>> although I have respected your scholarship, your intelligence, your
>>>> insights, and most of all your friendship and high regard for Dr. Pirisg, I
>>>> have failed to find tolerance, empathy, compassion, or any other basis for
>>>> dialogue with you. Right thinking begins with right being, and you are
>>>> probably a good person. I'd like to believe that of you, but you haven't
>>>> let me see your quality in this forum. I am willing to be wrong, and I hope
>>>> to be, but I am not optimistic. I join John Carl in submitting this post
>>>> prayerfully.
>>> --
>>> "Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
>>> deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
>>> — Frank Zappa
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