Bob wrote:

> [The MoQ] supports intellectual liberty and the free 
> exchange of ideas.... To believe otherwise is [to] believe 
> that some people are so intellectually and morally
>  superior that they have the right to use biological force 
> on others even though they're not harming anyone.

Interesting.  So to take Pirsig's example of the Zuni misfit... how was he 
harming anyone?  What if an individual or group of individuals does not harm 
anyone but threatens society?

Distinguishing between individuals and society seems to be a big problem in 
this discussion.  That is not meant as a put-down; I have the same 
difficulty.  When does someone threaten society but not individuals?  What 
harms society without harming any other level? (not rhetorical questions!)

Seems to me individual freedoms are at stake here, but what else is at stake? 
 What are individual freedoms worth giving up for?  Anything?  Does any 
government have the right to limit freedoms for the sake of society?  I think 
answers to these questions might serve this discussion... and I'll give my 
answers in another post, 'cause I'm in a hurry!


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