Dear members of the geomorph R package Development Team,

I at least have been able to track down the "missing library" error when
attempting to install even previous versions of geopmorph.

It turns out that geomorph depends upon a package called 'phangorn' --
which has just been updated to make use of "Biostrings". At least one other
R package (phytools) is also dependent upon phangorn Iand therefore upon
Biostrings too).

The fact that the Biostrings package has not been installed as a depedency
of the latest phangorn is due to the fact that the Bioconductor Project
(and associated packages) is not on CRAN. A big mess, indeed...

Hope this helps!

It seems that these complaints about geomorph are turning to become a
series with many sequels as "Star Wars"...

May the Force Be With You! ;-)

Dr. Mauro J. Cavalcanti

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