
Please re-read the news file. There was a documented change in version 2.1.6 
with respect to how the scale was handled (which remains documented in 
subsequent updated versions). Please see the News file where this was 
mentioned, and the help file for digitize2d which explained the change.  We of 
course are happy to receive any suggestions for improvements, and if any 
unforeseen issues arise as a result of new versions, we would like to know 
these as well.

As for inter-linked packages, geomorph depends on ape and rgl, and imports from 
geiger, phytools, jpeg, and several other packages. The issue you noted was an 
error in Phanghorn, which is called by phytools. Geopmorph does not use 
Biostrings, but since geomorph calls phytools, a cascading install error 
occurred. While unfortunate, I simply have no control over this.

I have been in contact with the maintainers of both packages, and have alerted 
them to the problem. However, it will likely be some time until the corrected 
version of Phanghorn is on the main CRAN repository, since they have just 
uploaded new versions to CRAN. In the meantime, the workaround you mentioned of 
manually installing Biostrings is needed. Clearly this is not my preference, 
but I have no control of what others require in their packages.


Dr. Dean C. Adams
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
       Department of Statistics
Iowa State University<>
phone: 515-294-3834

From: Mauro Cavalcanti []
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 3:27 PM
Subject: [MORPHMET] Yet another sequel to complaints about 'geomorph' R package

Dear members of the geomorph R package Development Team,
I at least have been able to track down the "missing library" error when 
attempting to install even previous versions of geopmorph.
It turns out that geomorph depends upon a package called 'phangorn' -- which 
has just been updated to make use of "Biostrings". At least one other R package 
(phytools) is also dependent upon phangorn Iand therefore upon Biostrings too).

The fact that the Biostrings package has not been installed as a depedency of 
the latest phangorn is due to the fact that the Bioconductor Project (and 
associated packages) is not on CRAN. A big mess, indeed...
Hope this helps!

It seems that these complaints about geomorph are turning to become a series 
with many sequels as "Star Wars"...

May the Force Be With You! ;-)

Dr. Mauro J. Cavalcanti
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