
It appears your issue is that the curves argument in gpagen expects a matrix 
but is receiving something in a different format (or a matrix with less than 3 
columns).  You mentioned rebuilding a TPS file and creating sliders, which 
sounds like you were using TPS software.  I’m not sure of the steps you took to 
go from that to useable data for gpagen.  However, if you hav an object called 
“sliders”, perform this diagnostic:


If the response is not “matrix” or perhaps “data.frame” (which can be coerced 
into a matrix), the gpagen function is rendered inoperable. 

Hopefully this helps you diagnose the issue.


> On Dec 6, 2017, at 8:16 PM, Katherine Morucci <morucci...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi There,
> I recently decided to reuse some data from an old 2D GM project on swine 
> tooth morphology. When I went to rerun some of my data using my project's 
> original code, I was unable to perform a general procrustes analysis using 
> gpagen without receiving the error message: Error in x[s[, 3], ]: subscript 
> out of bounds. I continued to receive this message after re-running all of my 
> old data. I'm not sure why there would be an issue with the dimensionality of 
> my data now, that did not exist before. I decided to rebuild a TPS file for 
> superimposition and creation of a new sliders file. This also did not work. 
> I'm not very experienced with R or the TPS suites, so it's likely that I'm 
> overlooking something very simple, but after spinning my wheels on this for a 
> few days I wanted to reach out for advice. Any help would be greatly 
> appreciated!
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