Dear Bekkym

I'm assuming you actually have a problem with the specimen names in the file you imported in MorphoJ.

It's hard to know what exactly the problem is with the information you provide, but I will point out that a trick which may or may not apply to your specific case is to convert the TPS file into an NTS file using tpsUtil, specifying the option to use the image name as names of your observations (i.e., specimens). At that point, you import the NTS instead of the TPS.

I hope this helps,


On 22/03/2018 14:42, Nelly wrote:
Dear All,

Kindly assist.
I am trying to generate CVA but this is not possible because initially i didn't ectract classifiers. This is because my data appeared as numbers from1-70 in morphoj instead of sample ids that were in the .jpg file.
As shown below i.e 0,1,2,3.....79.
Therefore i could not classify.
How can this be corrected so that i have the full names instead of numbers in the classifier column.

Kindly assist.
Nelly Ndungu
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