A few things...

On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 11:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sample size is not as big an issue as it once was. The only limitation
in Morpheus is that it currently uses integers for indexing into lists,
which in computer speak means you can't have more that 32,000 of
anything - objects, points, dimensions. I think tps uses a more modern
indexing with the limit, if there is one, in the gajillions.

> Will any of these packages or modules (like Morpheus or the tps 
> modules) allow me to do Procrustes (least squares) alignment of 72
> landmarks on 4,431 subjects?  I mean a full general procrustes (all
> landmarks-all subjects simultaneously).  If this is too large a dat

This is not, technically speaking, a full Procrustes analysis. "Full"
refers to the algorithm estimating a least-squares scaling parameter for
each specimen. Most morphometrics uses a "partial Procrustes analysis"
where all specimens are scaled to the same size (usually, unit centroid
size) without regard to the least-squares aspect of this.

> a
> set, does anyone know what the landmark and subject limits are?  I
> been reading the websites and the documentation that exists, but I
> haven't seen anything with details like this.  Also will any of this
> software permit me to align point clouds or polygonal meshes with
> 100,000 points or polygons or more?  
> Thank you for any help you can provide,
> Kathleen M. Robinette, Ph.D.
> Principal Research Anthropologist
> Air Force Research Laboratory
> ==
> Replies will be sent to list.
> For more information see
Dennis E. Slice, Ph.D.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Division of Radiologic Sciences
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA 
Phone: 336-716-5384
Fax: 336-716-2870
Replies will be sent to list.
For more information see http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/morph/morphmet.html.

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