An important update has been made to the tpsSpline program. Version 1.20
has just been uploaded to the SB morphometrics server site.

The thin-plate spline window now simply computes the spline from the two
specified configurations of landmarks. The principal warps window
displays the warps based on the currently specified reference
configuration. The previous versions of this software tried to do
something more clever (spline between any two pairs of shapes based on a
fixed reference configuration) but that seems to have confused many
users. The program now simply does the obvious computations.

In addition, tpsSpline can now read link files and slider files. The
sliders file allows the program to slide semilandmarks so as to improve
the fit of a specimen to a reference configuration. Several options are
provided. The purpose of this option is simply to allow a user to see
how well the different options work for their data. The program will not
save a file of adjusted coordinates as done by the tpsRelw program.

The help file has also been updated. An example dataset is also provided
for semilandmarks around an outline.

In a few days I expect to upload a new version of the tpsRelw program
with several options for the way in which semilandmarks are slid and for
how the GPA iterations are performed when there are semilandmarks. The
present version of tpsRelw does not always slide the semilandmarks in a
reasonable way. I suspect I will be adding other options in the future
to better handle special cases.

F. James Rohlf
State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5245
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